Stephanie Ryan Radiological Anatomy Free Pdf
This book covers the normal anatomy of the human body as seen in the entire gamut of medical imaging. It does so by an initial traditional anatomical description of each organ or system followed by the radiological anatomy of that part of the body using all the relevant imaging modalities. The third edition addresses the anatomy of new imaging techniques including three-dimensional CT, cardiac CT, and CT and MR angiography as well as the anatomy of therapeutic interventional radiological techniques guided by fluoroscopy, ultrasound, CT and MR. The text has been completely revised and over 140 new images, including some in colour, have been added. A series of 'imaging pearls' have been included with most sections to emphasise clinically and radiologically important points. The book is primarily aimed at those training in radiology, but will be of use to all radiologists and radiographers both in training and in practice, and to medical students, physicians and surgeons and all who use imaging as a vital part of patient care. The third edition brings the basics of radiological anatomy to a new generation of radiologists in an ever-changing world of imaging.
stephanie ryan radiological anatomy free pdf
We have now updated the page with more than 20 normal radiological anatomy videos for different body parts. Also, there are videos for the basics of MRI sequences which will be beneficial for residents starting with their MR rotations.
The second edition of BSAVA Manual of Wildlife Casualties is a valuable reference for anyone who treats captive or free-ranging wildlife. The text is clear and concise, and the organization and numerous excellent tables facilitate finding information quickly. The manual is divided into 2 sections: general information (eg, basic principles of decision making in wildlife rehabilitation, triage, first aid, initial management in captivity, and preparation for release) and species-specific chapters. The discussion in the first chapter on the ethics of wildlife rehabilitation and the impact of the rehabilitation process on both the individual animal and ecosystem to which it will return will be valuable and instructive for readers who are new to the field. The authors clearly state that all treatment and rehabilitation efforts should first and foremost consider the long-term well-being of the patient. The chapter on triage and initial assessment emphasizes the need to gather as much information as possible, including observation of the animal from a distance, before attempting to capture an injured animal. Also identified are injuries for which euthanasia is advised, with reference to the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals. One method missing from the list of recommended euthanasia methods is CO2. The authors discuss the importance of appropriate nutrition and housing in both the general and species-specific chapters. Given that the book was written for members of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, the species-specific chapters naturally cover wildlife found in the United Kingdom. However, that does not detract from the value of this book for readers in other parts of the world because much of the information is applicable to related species. Each species- or taxa-specific chapter provides information on the basic anatomy, physiology, and ecology of the animals being described, followed by a discussion of handling techniques, treatment options, drug dosages, and general guidelines for initial management. Finally, the authors review common diseases and injuries and methods for rearing orphaned and injured juvenile wildlife and provide information on how to avoid the imprinting of those animals on humans.